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Top 5 Ways to End the Year


Top 5 Ways to End the Year [PDF DOWNLOAD]

Bret Chance

Integrity, hard work, do the right thing, problem-solving, professionalism, driven, teacher. Those are words that describe Bret Chance...

Integrity, hard work, do the right thing, problem-solving, professionalism, driven, teacher. Those are words that describe Bret Chance...

Dec 16 3 minutes read

For some it's been a tough year, and others have possibly had their best year ever. No matter what happened, reflecting over the past year helps to transition into the next. 

Here are five areas to focus on at your end-of-year reflection. (Scroll down to the bottom for a FREE End of Year Reflection pdf download. This is a great activity to do by yourself or with family/friends/co-workers.)

1. Lessons learned.

If you're like me, I'm sure you had lots of lessons learned throughout the year. If we don't take the time to review them and cement them in our minds, we're likely to forget. I'm sure you can agree, there are some lessons we'd rather not have to re-learn. 

2. Things you did that you're proud of.

Sometimes we're too hard on ourselves and need a little prodding to take stock of what we did well. It's okay to give yourself a little pat on the back. What were your successes? It doesn't matter how small or trivial it may seem, recognizing your accomplishments can help you get momentum to keep moving forward. 

3. Favorite memories.

What did you do with family, friends, or just by yourself? Did you visit a new place? Again, nothing is too small. Some of our favorite memories are times sitting around the dinner table having great conversation with great people. Or family time piled up on the sofa watching movies and laughing together.

4. Things you're grateful for.

 This is a big one. Sometimes a hard year can make you feel like there's nothing to be grateful for. Take some time to get quiet and think. Make a list. There is always something to be grateful for - even if it's things we take for granted, like being able to wake up in the morning and walk to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. The habit of thankfulness is like a muscle that needs to be exercised. The more we focus on what we're grateful for, the more we notice the abundance of blessings around us.

5. How I will celebrate.

I'm not gonna lie, this is one I still struggle with. If you're a Type A personality, you understand. But it's so important. If we never celebrate, we tend to get in a rut. Celebrating goes hand-in-hand with gratitude. Celebrate your wins! Even if it's just the fact that the year is over and you're still here! 

End of Year Reflection

We've made it easy to do your end of year reflection. 

Get your FREE download below.